- 26 Ottobre 2021- Dubai - TTI ha partecipato alla World Tobacco Middle East exibition - 2021-11-04
- Sabato 26 Giugno 2021 si è tenuta la cerimonia di intitolazione della Piazza delle Tabacchine - 2021-06-29
- Campi puliti - Giugno 2021 - 2021-06-21
- Nel 2021 il meeting con i coltivatori è digitale e guarda al futuro - 2021-03-09
- Mercoledì 8 Maggio 2019 - Premiazione TTI 2019 - 2019-11-28
- 27.11.2019 Emergenze climatiche e programmazione del comparto tabacchicolo umbro - 2019-11-28


TTI was founded in 2012 by the marger of three cooperatives one fo which, Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi, was operating since 1911. The reorganization of the production process is based on the construction of common facilities able to receive the entire production of its members, with 702 curing barns fo FCV tobacco, 50,800 squares meters of flaat system greenhouses, fertilizers an plant protection distribution centers, and a factory for processing ad threshing the tobacco of the stakeholders.
We invest in renewable energy
Photovoltaic - Biomass - Chopped wood

From seedling production
to processing & threshing
TTI covers the entire tobacco supply chain: from the seedlings production to processing and threshing. The flow of information, from the agronomy to the market and vice versa, allows to TTI to tune the production, from the agronomic side and processing, to the market needs.